The pearl necklace Once in the time of Khalif Ali(R.A.), a pearl necklace was deposited in the Baitul-Mal (Government treasury). His daughter came to know it. As Eid was near, she hoped that she could borrow it for two to three days. She sent a message to the keeper of the Baitul-Mal to lend her the necklace.
The keeper let her have it for three days. She wore it on Eid day. By chance her father, Khalif Ali(R.A.) saw his daughter wearing the necklace. He recognized it and wanted to know how she had got a hold of it. He said, "I will cut off the hand of the girl who has stolen the necklace from the Baitul-Mal."
His daughter, explaining her position said, "Father, I have borrowed this necklace for three days from the Baitul-Mal. I will return it tomorrow."
The Khalif (R.A.) then called for the keeper and said, "You have not fulfilled your duty as trustee. The Muslims entrusted you with their belongings." Stunned at this charge the keeper replied, "Allah forbid, I did not dare act distrustfully!"
The Khalif (R.A.) replied," Why then did you lend the necklace to my daughter?"
The keeper replied, "She only borrowed it for three days, otherwise I would not have lent it to anybody."
The Khalif (R.A.) was not satisfied with his answer and said, "Is it not breaking a trust? Will you allow every Muslim to borrow things from the Baitul-Mal? Why did you do a special favor for the kahalif's daughter? Now take the necklace back. I am very unhappy with what my daughter has done. Had she taken the necklace without permission, I would have chopped off her hand for theft."
Then the khalif (R.A.) took the necklace from her daughter and returned it to the Baitul-Mal.
* Our Prophet was known as Al-Ameen, The Trustworthy
* We must trust ourselves first before we other can trust us.
* A Muslim places his trust in Allah
* Allah loves those who are trustworthy
"He is not of us who speaks falsely; who breaks his promise; and who fails in his trust." Hadeeth
"And those who keep their trusts and covenants.;And those who stand firm in their testimonies.; And those who guard their Salat; Such shall dwell in the Gardens(paradise), honored. (Qur'an 70:32-35)"